The Economic and Business Case for Marriage Equality and LGBT+ Inclusion in Japan


Businesses support the freedom to marry in Japan as an economic growth imperative

Evidence shows that open, inclusive and diverse societies are better for business and essential for economic growth and this is universally true for all companies and economies, including in Japan. This report presents the evidence base that supports this: it demonstrates that marriage for same-sex couples would help Japan’s economic competitiveness.

There is growing support from the business community in Japan for marriage equality. The new initiative Business For Marriage Equality has 134 companies supporting the call for marriage equality. This report sets out the economic case for marriage equality in Japan, drawing on recent data and research and supporting the freedom for same-sex couples to marry. It was developed in support of the Business for Marriage Equality initiative to help build corporate support and engagement in Japan. 

Many companies agree that a more LGBT+ inclusive Japan will be better for business and better for Japan’s overall economic growth.